Llava 13B

Used Model: llava-13b

Llava 13B is an AI model that transforms image content into meaningful text descriptions.

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A prompt is a starting text or question given to the AI to guide its response or generate content.

Are you allowed to swim here?

An image input or output involves using pictures or graphics in the AI model's processes.

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["Yes, ","you ","are ","allowed ","to ","swim ","in ","the ","lake ","near ","the ","pier. ","The ","image ","shows ","a ","pier ","extending ","out ","into ","the ","water, ","and ","the ","water ","appears ","to ","be ","calm, ","making ","it ","a ","suitable ","spot ","for ","swimming. ","However, ","it ","is ","always ","important ","to ","be ","cautious ","and ","aware ","of ","any ","potential ","hazards ","or ","regulations ","in ","the ","area ","before ","swimming."]